I was discharged on July 14th directly from ICU to the outside world! Not an easy transition but the start of my journey back to a full recovery.

Rehab at Memorial's Rehab Centre- that left arm would not go up!

 July 27 , 2011 - cycling for the arms!

My personal trainer -Lori Hart- whipped me into shape! She understands the need to be an "animal"!

July 29:They day they said I could ride the bike in rehab, albeit a stationary one was a happy day for me!
Sept 2011 Spinning!

November 13, 2011. Back riding.
Photo taken the day prior to my 2nd accident ( blush)

IN NOVEMBER 2011- I had a second accident! I am almost too embarrassed to write about it. I fell when I hit a pothole coming down a hill at 30mph. It was totally my fault. I was simply enjoying the downhill and not paying attention and didn't have a firm enough grip on the bike! I broke my left clavicle and added a steel plate to my already existing hardware! 


  The top plate is STEEL with screws were added in November 2011 after my second accident As my clavicle was broken and protruding. Surgeon Dr Blom said he had a hard time finding a place for his screws as inside was already full of so much hardware! Lol



 Less than 6 weeks following my clavicle  repair surgery, I was back in the pack!
Dec 28, 2011 :riding with Breakaway!

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