My cycling name is STORM
My "real" name is Jennifer Hilton. I am a mother and businesswoman whose passion is the outdoors and cycling. When osteoarthritis ended my stint at running ( I now have a cobalt hip!), I turned to cycling in 2007 and fell in love with the sport.

I have traveled with my bike to many states in the USA and have cycled all over Jamaica. On average I cycled at least 250 miles a week. In California, I cycled twice from San Francisco to Los Angeles and also successfully completed the 3 day endurance ride La Vuelta Puerto Rico.

In Jamaica my biggest challenges were the 160 mile rides from Kingston to Negril: I have done both the north and south coast routes but the best ride ever was a trip to Nine Miles in St Ann -to and from Montego Bay! That was some climbing!

I have organized rides in Jamaica for visiting cyclists on many occasions and have always been a stickler for the wearing of helmets and for safety.

However in life , accidents can happen at any time and anywhere. We don't know when our journey on earth will end. So in the meantime we just have to live it.  Spend time with our family and loved ones. Let them know we care! Take time to do the things that bring you happiness and DON"T live your  life in fear!

I have had a good life and am blessed with a loving family and a few good friends. And even after two accidents, one behind the other, I can still ride my bike...and pretty fast too ( after all a girl's got to live up to her name!)

What more could I possibly ask for?


1 comment:

  1. Dear Jennifer @ Storm, Peter is my name. I am a 52 year old cyclist from Queensland Australia who fell during a ride in May this year. I suffered a punctured lung, flail chest and dislocated shoulder. I had surgery and was fitted with 3 titanium plates to support the ribs. I have surgery soon to repair my shoulder. I am buoyed by the fact that you seemed to have made a complete recovery. It's been 3 months since my accident but I am a little concerned that my recovery isn't going so well. My chest feels like it has a belt restricting it around the area where the ribs were operated on. I also have difficulty with my range of motion, ie. twisting and turning. Were these symptoms you experienced and if so how long before they abated? At the moment I can't imagine myself ever getting my heart rate up to 160 bpm and above again because every-time I have a decent expansion it's restricted and hurts. Any advice or comment would be appreciated. Regards Peter Ryan. PS. I have sent this using my wife's account.
